
Endoscopy / Colonoscopy

Sigmoidoscopy and colonoscopy, and even esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD), are fancy words for different kinds of endoscopy. The –oscopy ending means you’re using a scope to look at something. And then the prefix of the word is what you’re looking.

So colonoscopy is a longer scope, and it can look all the way around the colon, which is about 6 feet long. In many cases, we can get through the little valve that connects your small bowel to your large bowel, down by your appendix, and also get a sneak preview at the very end of your small bowel. We do this to evaluate symptoms and to check for polyps or cancer.

For advanced endoscopy and colonoscopy services, Mira Road combines state-of-the-art facilities, skilled gastroenterologists, and affordable care, making it an excellent choice for gastrointestinal diagnostics and treatment.

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