
Short Wave Diathermy

Shortwave refers to electromagnetic radiation in the frequency range 2 to 100 MHz. Shortwave therapy is the application of electromagnetic energy to the body at shortwave frequencies. At these frequencies the electromagnetic energy is converted to thermal energy by the induction of circulating currents in the tissue and dielectric absorption in insulating tissue. Shortwave therapy units may produce output power levels of up to 500W providing significant heating to the area of the body being treated.

For this reason the treatment is often called shortwave diathermy (through heating). To avoid equipment such as shortwave therapy units interfering with radio communications, certain frequency ranges are designated by international agreement as ISM (Industrial, Scientific and Medical) bands.

For effective short wave diathermy therapy, Mira Road combines advanced facilities, skilled professionals, and affordable care, making it an excellent choice for those seeking relief from pain and improved mobility.

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